An exciting journey.
Be Strong!
the day i've been waiting for is here.
i'm flying home to see family and some old friends, most of whom are jw.
since learning ttatt a few months back, i came to the decision i would have to tell my parents that we are no longer active and don't have any plans to return.
An exciting journey.
Be Strong!
the watchtower is a vicious, pompous, vindictive, printing business.
(author unknown).so what.
you can spend your mornings watching any number of youtube videos that will absolutely make your blood boil.
So what. You can spend your mornings watching any number of YouTube Videos that will absolutely make your blood boil. Or you can wake up and think and talk about and dream about ways of saving the children of jeho witnesses by intervening with love, and kindness, and happyness, and issues of community, and issues of social learning. You can spend your time thinking about talking about dreaming about….all the ways you can help these children. Who really are the victims in all of this. Yes it’s a cult. Yes it’s an angry and unconscionable group think that has taken on a life of it’s own. Yes it does appeal to some personality types. But yes it is very damaging. Yes it is very controlling. Yes it does impair and alter the life cycle of the children, the family, and anyone associated with the family. It doesn’t have to to be that way. Education will help. Action will help. Thinking about talking about dreaming about the things you want in this world can help. We are all in this together. We all have to take responsibility for our brother. God Bless you all. I am praying for this today.
recently there have been a few threads where claims have been made alledging personal negative effects in 'real life' following internet activity on jwn and other ex-jw related sites.
discussion then ensues, aspects of which may include 3rd parties either disputing the truth or affirming the likelihood of the claim.
questions are asked.
JW's are phonies. Whats so hard to understand???
bumped into an old acquaintance the other day, one of those who used to cross the road when they see me.
this time he was all smiles and even shook my hand.
to cut a long story short went for a pint and a chat and he apologised for his previous behaviour and he told me he is in the process of fading and this suprised me because he used to be a super pious dub.. he said the thing that made him start to think was when his 4yr old daughter asked him if her grandma was evil and he said of course not, her reply was why is jehovah going to kill her.
Grandma is a phoney!
based on your experience of judicial committees, how would you advise someone who is due to meet with the elders and has asked for the best way to avoid being disfellowshipped?
is denying everything ever a successful strategy?
does addressing a letter to the elders threatening legal action if they disfellowship ever work?
Kangaroo court and phoney balogna.
It sounds like a party!
my parents attended the funeral of an elderly family member today.
being out of state i was unable to attend.
i asked how it went and was told that "worldly" people don't care enough about anyone to mention anything personal.
Phoney Bologna
Shunned by phonies. WOW. Too bad.
as we all now know, once you leave the watchtower religion you are exposed to the possibility of education for the first time.. an ex-jw discovers that the theocratic lessons they have learned were not all they were led to believe , i.e.
"accurate knowledge.".
is this story actually true?
Who cares bro. JW's are phonies.
i have joint custody of my two children with my ex husband who is still raising the kids on his time as jws.
my 11 year old claims she is getting baptized at the next assembly.
i have heard that i can write a letter to the boe and say that i oppose her getting baptized before she is 18. is that true?
I just copied and pasted this entire thread to my estranged jw spouse.
This is disturbing.
i have joint custody of my two children with my ex husband who is still raising the kids on his time as jws.
my 11 year old claims she is getting baptized at the next assembly.
i have heard that i can write a letter to the boe and say that i oppose her getting baptized before she is 18. is that true?
Give me a break. These are sick Narcissists entrapping your kids. They don't care about a stinkin' letter.
There entire existence is a hunt for narcissistic supply. Your kid is a trophy if they get him baptized. It's all about feeding them narcissistic supply. Of which THEIR entire world revolves.